Combining my notes, online research, and site-specific photographs I have created an organisational work that uses the Situationist's Derive as a method to interrogate textual descriptions and photographs of architectural space.
Through digital interaction with a random generator, the audience can choose their own trajectory. engaging with ideas in their own time rather than being overwhelmed and intimidated by a large linear text. Additionally, the generator interrupts the passage of thought allowing ideas to be produced by chance, and thus, be multi-dimensional. Ideas may be generated an infinite amount of times or one idea can be taken and followed by the viewer's own trajectory of thought.
Although citing intellectual and philosophical texts, I do not wish to address political or sociological problems. The viewer is given the choice to make decisions rather than be dictated by the relationships the work may have to wider cultural settings.
'Pause in Thought' is not a finite or obsolete object, it is instead a pause in a process of thinking and can be picked up wherever and whenever.