The Space Within
By combining architectural drawings, lighting, and reflective materials, The Space Within delineates physical, virtual, and theoretical space. The work simultaneously acts as a physical yet finite piece of work as well as a proposal, mapping and planning for the potentiality of a future project, yet to be materially realised.
The materiality, method and subject of the work aim to be synonymous with meaning in its physical properties and techniques mimicking the discourses investigated. Liminal space is investigated in both the composition, which traces part of a corridor, as well as the setting of the exhibition.
The work, placed with a foyer, which facilitates short-lived movements of individuals entering the building to reach their intended destination, holds the viewer in a state and place of transition. The work itself has a finite and ephemeral nature as it can only be experienced when installed mirroring the transient nature of the space itself.
The work aims to be receptive to different levels of engagement and encourages the viewer to become an active participant in the project. By suspending LED strip lights in front of a mirror in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions, the complete shape of a cuboid is produced. By encouraging movement within the exhibition space, the viewer can navigate through the environment until they find themselves enclosed within the cuboid. As the reflections shift and mutate, constantly changing the composition and perception of the environment, the viewer's agency is highlighted as they regulate what is present in the reflected zone.
As the audience is absorbed within the work as soon as they enter the field of reflection, the spectator is absorbed within the artwork, highlighting the unique impact achieved by their presence. In turn, the exhibition space deconstructs and the boundaries between the viewer, the artwork and the space are blurred.
By using mirrors within the intervention, the physical and virtual interlink and unite allowing the two contrasting worlds to coexist within the same time and space. The intervention seeks to challenge the perception of the viewer and offer an alternative way of looking at and interacting with our environment.