Thresholds of Space describes physical, virtual, and theoretical space.

Thresholds characteristically express dualities; two different states, spaces, or realities at opposing sides of a boundary. On the boundary lays the state of liminality. Liminal space can be described as physical, psychological, or metaphorical locations between an origin and a destination.

The materiality and method of Thresholds of Space aims to be synonymous with meaning in its physical properties and techniques echoing the discourses investigated. The viewer is held in places of transition; a staircase facilitating short-lived vertical movements of individuals and an entrance foyer enabling passage from an exterior to an interior destination, in this case, a gallery space.

The work also bears a finite and ephemeral nature as it is conditioned by the surrounding environment and, therefore, can only be wholly experienced when installed. By mirroring the surrounding architecture through paintings and reflections, the work immediately surrenders to its eventual disassembly and insignificance once taken out of the environment. 

By using reflective materials within the intervention, physical and virtual spaces interlink and unite allowing the two contrasting worlds to coexist within the same time and space. The mirrors linger on the boundary whilst addressing contemporary dichotomies such as the real and virtual, here and there, subject and object.

 Thresholds of Space aims to be receptive to different levels of engagement and encourages the viewer to become an active participant in the project. The materiality of the work casts the audience as its subject, highlighting their agency and the unique impact achieved by their presence. Therefore, the site-specific installations serve as a liaison, a liminal space mediating dialogue between the viewer, the artwork and the environment.


Paintings and Drawings


The Space Within